"It Takes Time to Build Castles"

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

I recently had the privilege of making a Vesperale for the Newry Cathedral in Northern Ireland. The sacristan, Dalton, contacted me wondering if I could help them replace their original Vesperale. He told me that "the original was most likely made between 1890 - 1925; either when the high altar was installed, or for the consecration when most items in use were got. [The original Vesperale] unfortunately met its end in the sacristy fire of 1959 and [they] wanted to replicate it as a way to enhance the beauty of the sanctuary and to restore traditional customs to the cathedral, as it is the oldest cathedral in Ireland."

The phrase on the front of the original was: "Adoro Te Devote Latens Deitas" (I devoutly adore Thee, hidden God), easily the longest I have stitched on a Vesperale to date. And, like all projects I get to chainstitch, I had an absolute blast making this piece.

When the Vesperale arrived in Ireland and was placed on the altar Dalton noted that the "sacristan emeritus said that 'it looks even better than the original.' He’s the man that rescued the original [from the fire]. Unfortunately, it was too badly damaged to be saved."

Outside of Divine Intervention it will take many, many years to fully rebuild all that has been lost in our faith, but every step toward that goal is a stone re-set in place. The privilege of helping others set those stones right is an absolute joy!